Trevor will I get blacklisted by a recruiter for persistently chasing feedback on my job application?
Trevor, why is it important to have a brand as a job seeker? Is it really necessary to stand out from the crowd?
Why Do Recruiters Post Jobs on LinkedIn Only to Ignore Interested Candidates?
Many people say recruitment is broken, but why?
"...but the job market slows down from the start of December until February. Is this really true?
AI in Interviews: Genius or Cheating?
I love LinkedIn. I hate scammers. I hate fake LinkedIn profiles 🤬
If You’re Not A Top 3 Applicant, You’re White Noise To Recruiters
Being Unemployed Over Christmas Is Stressful
AGEism. The 'ISM' that affects everyone...eventually
What’s the real secret to a successful job search?
Random Thought Bubble of the Day: Redundancy or Employee Ambush?
Why are recruiters so frustrating to deal with 😤
Is it time for more transparency & accountability in recruitment?
Is low self-confidence holding back your job search success?
How Ageism in Hiring Hurts Older Workers: Can Mandatory Feedback Fix the Bias?
Has Employment Become Disposable?
Are You Prepared to Be a Job Seeker?