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FREE Job Seeker Clinic

Feedback Form

Overall, how satisfied were you with the free CareerAGILITY Job Seeker Clinic?
How well did the clinic meet your expectations?
How relevant was the content presented in the clinic to your job search needs?
How would you rate the presenter(s) on their knowledge and delivery?
What was the most valuable part of the clinic for you?
How likely are you to recommend the CareerAGILITY Job Seeker Clinic to a friend or colleague?
Would you like more information about Talentology’s CareerAGILITY Job Seeker Coaching Program?
As a free service, Talentology & CareerAGILITY have a Job Seeker Search Portal where we publish job seeker profiles for potential employers to access. Would you like us to publish your profile in our Job Seeker Portal?
As a free service, we have a Job Seeker Community Chat (WhatsApp) where you can keep in contact with other job seekers, hear about job opportunities & make others aware of opportunities that are not suitable for you. Would you like to join?

If you would like to join our Job Seeker Portal or JobSeeker Community Chat, please upload your profile (by uploading your profile, you agree to our Privacy Policy which can be viewed at our website

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